
How To Improve Coverage for your Android App Using Mockito and Espresso — Part 1

In app development, a variety of use cases and interactions come up as one iterates the code. The app might need to fetch data from a server, interact with the device’s sensors, access local storage, or render complex user interfaces.

What are Data Classes in Kotlin?

Recently, I started Reading Kotlin In Action by Dmitry Jemerov and learned about Data classes in Kotlin. It’s one of the best books out there to get started with Kotlin. You can buy the paperback edition of the book from Amazon.

Fix Kotlin and new ActivityTestRule : The @Rule must be public

I wrote a simple activity in Koltin which takes a user name as input and simply displays it in the TextView. Here’s how the activity looks like. And the code for the activity is,

Android: Resolving Issue with Formatted Attribute while Translating String Resources

Take a look at the below string <string name="notifications_talk_page_message" formatted="false">%s left a message on your %s page</string> The string contains a format parameter, %s which can be replaced by a string value.