Software Enginnering

Android chat app development: Build real-time chat with CometChat

This tutorial guides you through integrating CometChat's chat SDK and UI kits to create a real-time chat experience for your users. Follow the steps and learn how to implement chat functionality in your Android app.

How to Restore a Deleted Branch in Bitbucket

In this article, you'll learn how to restore deleted branches in Bitbucket and how to avoid accidental deletion.

BeautifulSoup Web Scraping Guide

Looking for a quick tutorial to help you get started web scraping using Python’s Beautiful Soup? You have come to the right place – read on and get started immediately.

Build a lightning-fast search index using Flink, Elasticsearch, and Redpanda

In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to build a lightning-fast search index using Flink, Elasticsearch, and Redpanda — the simpler, dev-friendly Apache Kafka® alternative.